MRI of the breast

Not all breast cancers are alike. Therefore, women with increased risk for this type of cancer depend on reliable imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging of the breast is the best method to detect tumours at an early stage, estimate the position and spread of the tumour and – in case of confirmed suspicion – precisely plan an operation. The examination does not require X‑ray radiation.

About the appointment

We offer this examination at the following locations in Vienna.
  • All examinations
  • 7 days/week
  • All insurers
  • Immediate appointment
  • Personal consultation with a doctor
  • KFA, private free-choice physician, private

Scientific advances

Avoiding unnecessary breast biopsies

Multiparametric MRI of the breast

Studies performed worldwide have, for the first time, shown that a multipa­ra­metric MRI of the breast, i.e. the combination of various MRI parameters, makes it possible to depict key factors of cancer development and significantly improves breast cancer diagnostics.

A third of all now unnecessary biopsies’ can be avoided with a multipa­ra­metric MRI.

The multipa­ra­metric MRI of the breast represents another important step towards personalised medicine.

Standardised findings

For the multipa­ra­metric MRI of the breast, the respective MRI protocols according to the guidelines of the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) apply.
EUSOBI also prescribes standardised results (BI-RADS classification) in addition to the acquisition of data.
The breast and its surrounding area are evaluated for each of the prescribed MRI parameters, and the results are summarised in the form of a total score.

Well-informed in all matters

Requirements for an MRI of the breast

  • Please bring your e‑card and referral.
  • Any previous findings are also to be submitted.
  • COVID: The chief physician’s approval has currently been waived.

Important information

  • It is not possible to perform an MRI of the skull on persons wearing a pacemaker.
  • Prior clarification is required in case you have any implants.
  • Piercings, jewellery and watches must be removed.
  • A contrast agent is injected intravenously depending on the condition.

Procedure for an MRI of the breast

  • An MRI of the skull takes about 10 minutes.
  • The examination is completely painless.
  • Earplugs dampen the sounds of the MRI machine.
  • An emergency bell and intercom system are also available.
  • It is absolutely necessary for you to lie still so that we can generate high-quality images. Please let us know if you suffer from claustrophobia.

Waiting time for an appointment

The average waiting time is currently 59 days.

Appointments without waiting times are possible.

Costs & reimbursement

Direct billing with all statutory health insurers.

We do not bill statutory health insurers with the exception of KFA. Our fee notes can be submitted in any case to all private health insurers that cover outpatient services.

MRI per region

ÖGK, BVAEB, SVS – from € 290,00
Private – from € 460,00
KFA – covered by statutory health insurance