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Ultrasound of the abdomen

The upper and lower abdomen as well as the kidneys are examined in this bodily region. The liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, urinary bladder, intestinal structures as well as male and female internal genitalia can thereby be visualised with a gentle procedure.

  • All examinations
  • 7 days/week
  • All insurers
  • Immediate appointment
  • Personal consultation with a doctor
  • KFA, private free-choice physician, private
  • Just stop by
  • Friendly atmosphere
  • All insurers

Well-informed in all matters

Requirements for an ultrasound of the abdomen

  • Please bring your e‑card and referral.
  • Any previous findings are also to be submitted.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes early to your appointment.

Important information

  • Please do not eat or smoke three hours before undergoing an abdominal ultrasound.
  • Drink 1 to 2 litres of non-carbonated water prior to the examination (upper abdomen/​lower abdomen), and DO NOT void the bladder.

Procedure for an ultrasound of the abdomen

  • An abdominal ultrasound takes between 5 and 15 minutes
  • It is completely painless.
  • The patient assumes a lying or sitting position.
  • A gel is applied to the bodily region to be examined.
  • The radiologist slides the ultrasonic probe over the examination area as ultrasonic images are captured.

Waiting time for an appointment

Schnelle Termine möglich.

Schnelle Termine möglich.

Schnelle Termine möglich.

Costs & reimbursement

Direktverrechnung mit allen gesetzlichen Krankenkassen.

Direktverrechnung mit allen gesetzlichen Krankenkassen.

Direktverrechnung mit der KFA und Wahlarzt für alle anderen gesetzlichen Krankenkassen (ÖGK, SVS und BVAEB).

In jedem Fall können unsere Honorarnoten bei allen Privatversicherungen, die ambulante Leistungen abdecken, eingereicht werden.